
Hi there!  I'm Vamica. I'm originally from the Philippines but I've been studying, working and living in Australia for four years now since I came to the country back in 2013 on a student's visa.

I enjoy music, books, movies, arts and of course, social media. I like taking a lot of photos on my phone and typing words on my laptop so I thought, why not make a blog and display whatever I come up with on it?😆

I am new to the blogging world and I do treat this as an online diary where I spill some of my adventures, experiences, musings and mishaps while I try to get by with life in a different country, on my own and miles away from home. And you're welcome to read it.

I am currently based in Alice Springs in Australia's vast desert region, in the middle of everywhere (thousands of miles away from everywhere else 😆)!

Please leave a comment if you happen to drop by in and have a peep on my diary or follow me on instagram. Thank You!
